Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Saturday, December 12, 2009

chirstmas cards bulletin boards

size 32 x 32 inches

I wanted to tell you that I absolutely love the Peg Board. It is perfectly made and it works perfect for my cards. Thanks for making so fast and beautiful.

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Holiday Boutique at ossining Campgrounds

Yesterday, Camila and I attended as Vendors the Holiday Boutique at the Ossining Campgrounds. It was fantastic! We thanks very much the organizer, Rena, for invited us to participate and also tell her again what a great organization! we even had a Piano player life with wonderful music. I forgot to tell him that, but when i realized there was no more beautiful music that was because he was gone, but he entertained us for almost the whole day. Great day, great food!!!!! at no cost for the vendors, great people and great customers! So happy we were there. I will post pictures and even a video later.

Ayer Camila y yo participamos en la Feria Navidena en Ossining. Fue un dia extrairdinario, con excelente ambiente, comida gratis para nosotros los vendedores, excelentes clientes y hasta un pianista quien nos ofrecio una variedad de musica hermosa y mejoron aun mas el ya lindisimo ambiente. Quisiera nuevamnete felicitar a rena por la excelente organizacion y todo su trabajo para que este evento haya tenido semejante exito, siendo ademas el primer agno que hace una feria navidena! Mil gracias Rena, felicitaciones! fue un excelente dia.
Dentro de poco estare incluyendo fotos y hasta un pequeno video.